Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Lazy Tuesday

Wordle 823 6/6


I got the kid to school fine, by bike, for the first time in a week. Woo hoo. On the way home I did some grocery shopping.

I wasn't productive at work yesterday. I had a reason to cancel the team meeting in the morning. I listened in on two meetings in the afternoon but didn't have anything to do in them. I was responsive but didn't actually get anything in particular done. Not sure how I feel about that.

I was a little better on the personal front. I got exercise by doing calisthenics in the morning. (In front of the TV, but hey, why not?) I reached out to the psychologist recommended by my doctor at the appointment last week. No appointment yet but it's started. And I started working on my resume. Didn't finish, but made progress.

I left early to get the kid; after being late or too close to it on the last two guitar lessons, I made sure to be plenty early for this one. Getting the kid was awkward, she didn't like me picking her up when I did, but we weren't late. It was stressful due to confusing texts from T. about dinner.

Dinner was a salad and pollo asado, made by T. because she had plans for a new exercise class. While she was gone I got the kid cleaned up and we relaxed in the evening.

I've almost got back to normal. I wore a mask in the grocery store yesterday morning and while cooking, but not while eating dinner with the family or watching TV with the kid afterwards. Although I did wear one while watching TV with T. later, and she's still in a separate bed. Oh well.

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