Monday, September 04, 2023

Birthday party and barbeque

Wordle 807 4/6


Nice brunch yesterday. In the morning we went to a birthday party of a friend of the kid. She seemed to have fun but it was too hot to do anything too active. 

After that, home for some downtime. 

In the mid-afternoon we went to a barbeque at a neighbor's house. It was again mostly indoors. I ate a ton. I wasn't too social but I still made small talk. I mostly pigged out. 

In the evening I helped a friend with her resume. T. put the kid to bed for the first time in a week. Yay.

I'm behind on exercise. In general I'm experiencing mild foot pain and am hoping that taking it easy will help. For the past week the only exercise I've got was doing calisthenics in front of the TV one day - definitely can count - and walking on errands. But also, for the past week I was single-parenting, so I felt like I had less free time and needed to save my energy, even though there were no actual schedule conflicts with exercise or specific things to save it for. But T. is back now and yesterday was pure sloth and gluttony, so I really should get back into it.

Not today, though. Because today I do have something specific to save my energy for...

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