Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Lots of physical activity

Wordle 815 6/6


The title of this post is partly aspirational, since I'm writing part of it before noon on Monday. Let's see how it works out...

Biked the kid to school uneventfully. Worked productively for the morning and then went for a jog around 11.

I wonder a bit how much my mood (to recap: it was terrible last week, noticeably better since I started taking sleeping pills, but that might not be a long-term solution) is related to how I'm physically feeling. I mentioned how it's hard to exercise these days, due to work and the kid and the weather. Actual strenuous exertion aside, the weather is still warm and humid enough that I get a bit sweaty simply biking the kid to school or walking to the store and back, and it's not fun to sit around in a damp t-shirt for hours. Or the plantar fasciitis. It's better than a year ago, but still noticeable most days. How much does the cumulative effect of things like that drag me down? 

Realistically, maybe I should ignore that (or change clothes more often or whatever, and treat the fasciitis as a medical issue) and stop worrying about it, or maybe the fact that I'm unable to is related to an actual mental imbalance. It's just something that occurred to me as I was getting ready to go jogging.

Anyways, work was fine yesterday. I finished a pretty big organizational effort Friday, and I mostly spent yesterday using it to do a lot of little things that have been on our to-do list for a while. The biggest problem was talking with J. about frequent mistakes made by our third teammate. He's not wrong, but he's a lot more annoying than she is, and I couldn't do anything about her for the next few months anyways, so it's hard to be sure what, if anything, to do. 

In the afternoon I watched an episode of TV while working, Dark Wind, a show T. had started and thought it might be fun to watch together. We've got a big backlog of TV these days but we can add this, I guess. Meanwhile I did intermittent pushups, situps, and weightlifting with dumbbells. Not too strenuous, I had already showered once and had afternoon plans, but I wasn't just vegetating.

Around 4 I drove to pick up our friend P. to help her get a new crib. It didn't work out, which was annoying, especially considering that we were driving around in rush hour and it took time to find the place, but it was still nice to see her. 

We got home by 6:30, much later than I'd like to cook, especially since it had also cut into time I would have gone shopping, so we just got pizza for dinner.

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