Saturday, September 02, 2023

The bad kind of Friday

Wordle 805 4/6


Yesterday I got the kid to school 2 minutes late. No particular reason, unfortunately, it just took a while to get moving. 

Work was focused on the biweekly report. It was average. For a while in the midmorning we were worried it would be much worse than average, if people had started their long weekends early, but in the end we got all the reports by the usual time. 

In the midafternoon I went to the store. When I got back I couldn't get into the main way to access the work network. Total workload aside, and the unpleasantness of certain tasks, I've also had more/weirder problems with my computer this week. The browser view worked, at least, and I heard from two co-workers that they had the same issue.

I figured I'd bring smoothies as a snack for the kid between school and gymnastics. I changed the recipe in ways that I thought wouldn't matter, but apparently did; they were way too thick. It also took longer than planned. They still tasted OK, at least, and we got to gymnastics on time.

Dinner was District Taco.

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