Thursday, March 24, 2022

What a mess

 Wordle 278 2/6


Yesterday I biked the kid to school. It was uneventful for us.

My team had a monthly team process improvement meeting scheduled for 10 yesterday. Right before I took the kid to school, we decided to push it back a week because there was nothing really urgent to discuss, and some confusion/disagreement over when it "should" be scheduled for. Around 9, the subject matter expert for a document I was destined to work on reached out to me about a meeting, which was scheduled for 10. How convenient! ... but soon he reached out again to say that there was some confusion, the 10 AM meeting wasn't the one that would make sense for me to be at (although it was related?), I should go to one from 1 to 3 PM instead. And then at 1 he let us know that it was pushed back to 2. From 2 to 3 or from 2 to 4? I never found out, because at 2 I was told it was cancelled. He's doing all this with Teams chat and a phone call rather than actually updating a calendar invite. I wonder about this guy.

In between I got some exercise. It was in the low 50s and rainy outside, so I didn't want to go jogging, but after missing it yesterday I wanted to do something. So instead I joined T. on her work's Zoom exercise class, at 11. I tried it once last summer but yesterday's was more exercise than that. In hindsight I shouldn't be surprised; there are many types of classes. Less aerobic than jogging, but more hips and abs workout. I'm still a bit sore now. Good for me/us. 

I also finished the ninth Transmetropolitan collection. Years ago I had read most of the series but got sidetracked and stalled. A few months ago - November, maybe? - I saw the seventh, eighth, and ninth, in a used bookstore and thought, hey, I liked that, I might as well finish the series. They were sitting by my bedside from then until now, under other parts of my backlog. Yesterday in the middle of the afternoon I finished the ninth... and found a cliffhanger. There was a 10th collection all along! Aargh!

We expected the kids to come to our place at around 1, but there was a mix-up with the nanny, so they went to a different kid's house. 

Dinner was a salad, and a pasta with a new garlic/chickpea recipe. It wasn't bad. 

Once again the kid was in a snit most of the time. I'm not sure why.

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