Friday, March 25, 2022

Not as busy as it looked

 Wordle 279 3/6


Yesterday morning it was a bit cold and looked wet, like it had rained recently and might again soon, so we drove the kid to school. I wish we had biked. Traffic was terrible both ways, and it didn't actually rain at all. We would have been fine biking through a puddle. 

I had four meetings for work yesterday, which sounds horrifying to me but really wasn't that bad. At the first, I was only taking notes (another iteration of this), and narrowly focused on action items, which wasn't too demanding. At the second I was just listening. Another team member was doing all the talking; I was just providing backup. At the third, I actually did have to do some talking, but it wasn't hard, it was just explaining the usual documentation process and trying to get it started for a document that was stalled a long time ago. And the fourth was just an all hands. I chimed in to say "thanks" for something but that was it. 

I also went jogging between the 3rd and 4th meeting. Good for me. 

The kid had her weekly music class. I brought A Deadly Education and started it for real. (I had just barely started the night before, at bedtime, but I was tired and it was a weird intro, I basically absorbed nothing.) Fun book so far. A little bit like Harry Potter from the perspective of a Slytherin. Back here I mentioned a reading list, a backlog of books I had got somehow and meant to read but hadn't got around to them yet, and this was the last fiction book on that list at the time. I'm not sure if I should also count one nonfiction book I had then, or the Brad Meltzer book I bought here. (I'm leaning towards yes to the first and no to the second, since the Meltzer book is the second in a series, but it doesn't really matter until April 19...)

I normally call my parents on the weekend, but yesterday was my dad's birthday, so we talked by video chat after dinner. Nice to catch up. They're doing well. Didn't sound like a party but a generally good day. The kid had fun doing gymnastics and similar stuff to put on a show while we talked.

Dinner was chili (from a can, boring but easy) and the rest of the salad from the night before. T. put the kid to bed. During and after that there was a meeting with a parent group about how the PTA-like group could do to be more inclusive than usual, or than it used to be.

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