Saturday, March 19, 2022

Friday was easy because Thursday was hard

 Wordle 273 5/6


Yesterday morning the kid was still coughing, but seemed fine otherwise, so we drove her to school. Work was fine. The biweekly report was easy, if only because we did most of the work the day before. We had fewer problems or follow-ups for our team lead than I expected. Yay us, taking advantage of the extra time we asked for, I guess? Still just a tiny bit nervous. 

Around 1:30 I logged off. I went jogging soon after. Same time as two days ago but it definitely felt harder. I was wheezing by the time I got home. Maybe because the weather was a bit warmer? It was definitely in the 70s. By the time summer actually comes, I'm going to have to do this before 7 AM or not at all. Meanwhile T. worked until around 3:30. There are several problems with her job and the fact that she often has meetings Friday afternoon seems high among them.

We went to pick up the kid around 5, and then took her to gymnastics. We ran a few errands and read during her class. Afterwards we went out to dinner at Matchbox. It was warm enough to eat outside. It wasn't our very first time eating there in the past 2 years, and of course we've been eating out or getting takeout after gymnastics regularly for a while, but even so it felt overdue. Grilled cheese and fries for the kid, salad and a fig and prosciutto pizza for T. and me. Despite how healthy it might sound, I was stuffed by the time we finished. I felt like the service was slow, but then again the place was fairly busy, and maybe my expectations need to be recalibrated for this sort of thing?

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