Sunday, March 06, 2022

A good fun day

 Wordle 260 4/6*


Yesterday was busier than planned.

The morning was the usual relaxing weekend morning. TV and other games for the kid, reading and computer stuff for me, pancakes and bacon for breakfast. Around 11 we finally got busy. We did the laundry (a little less this week than usual, since last week we did it later than usual, since we were traveling), and I brought my old damaged bike to donate to a nonprofit nearby. That took longer than expected. While I was doing that, the kid met a friend on short notice to play in the park. 

After that, there was the scout meeting in the same park; it's a neighborhood organization. I don't know what to do about how shy the kid is. The one time she actually tried to speak up in the discussion, someone else made her point first, and she was sulking and nearly crying for a while after. But the activity was making and painting birdhouses and that went fine. 

After that, the original plan was to leave the kid with our friend P., who she gets along with well, while T. and I ran errands and had some downtime. But we lingered in the park. There was an event for a local political candidate, and also a birthday party for a friend of the kid. (We hadn't been invited but they said we were welcome to stay.) We got to P.'s place over an hour late. We had less downtime than expected after our errands but it was fine. Then we went to P.'s place for dinner. She's a good cook. We got back late, after 9, well after the kid's bedtime.

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