Monday, March 14, 2022

So tired

 Wordle 268 6/6*


I'm getting sick of our cat. I don't think I've slept through the night in the past week and he's the reason more than half the time. When it's below freezing, we can't really make him stay outside, but when he's inside he wakes us up at 2 in the morning to go out. He's ostensibly nice about it, climbing up top of us and purring, but the request is unmistakable. If we ignore it, he pees in the tub. That's better than most places he could pee, I guess, but it's not great. He has a litter box, but he'll only use it if it's totally clean. Maybe it's time for me to change the litter. 

Cat aside, the kid often comes into our room at night. (It happened the night before last, in other words at around 2 AM on the 12th, and probably contributed to me being tired yesterday, and also around the same time on the 10th.) If she has a nightmare, she joins us. Hopefully it's early enough that I can just put her back to her bed after she falls asleep, or at least relaxes. If not, then I try to wake up a few minutes before my alarm goes off, so she and T. can sleep more or less peacefully for another hour.

Yesterday was tiring for other reasons too. It's funny, days with nothing planned are supposed to be relaxing, but stuck in a house with a six-year-old? At best, she plays teacher and gives us math lessons. At neutral she watches TV, which is easy, but not good parenting to let her do it indefinitely. At worst, she tries to entertain herself and throws something when she gets frustrated in a game or with an art project. Two friends of hers came over around 2, so at least they were entertaining each other, even if they were loud and frequently snacking. The last of them was here until around 5:30. A quite long playdate by our standards. 

For dinner I made a risotto with eggplant and zucchini. Experimenting with vegetarian meals. It was OK. I think it could have been spicier but the kid is opposed to flavor.

Just to make things worse, the night before last something started beeping at like 3 AM. It sounded like a low-battery alert on a smoke or CO alarm, but we couldn't pinpoint it. Last night it happened again. It kept beeping until around 6:45 in the morning - long enough to bother us, ending just in time to keep us from investigating. 

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