Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Maybe I just don't need much sleep

 Wordle 270 X/6*


WTF. In hindsight, two or three of my guesses were less likely than the actual word, but still, those were a bad 4 letters to get stuck on early. I've turned off hard mode. 

Yesterday I biked the kid to school. It was fine. I'm still getting used to how wobbly the new bike is with her on it - not when biking, exactly, but when getting her on and off it. 

Not too much happened at work. Two meetings, both moderately productive with brief follow-ups I took care of quickly. I have one task where the ball is in my court, I chipped away at it yesterday, and I probably should have done more. Other than that I'm just waiting to hear back from people after varying numbers of reminders. 

In the middle of the afternoon I went for a walk to do a little shopping. A new cat litter box, a birthday card for my sister, and a few groceries that didn't require going into an actual grocery store. The weather was warm enough that I could do so in a t-shirt and sandals.

The kid had swim class and I jogged. 3 miles in 28 minutes, 30 seconds (10 seconds faster than last time, not that a difference that small matters). When we got home, the kid ran into a friend, and it was still light out so we shrugged and said they could play for a bit. Dinner was vegetarian fried rice from Trader Joe's. 

Sleep issues

The cat spent last night outside, so that wasn't a problem. I woke up at 4 or 4:30 for no apparent reason at all. Hot, maybe? I took my pajama top off and dozed a bit. The kid came into bed with us around 5:30, much later than usual. She managed to stay asleep when I got up.

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