Wednesday, March 02, 2022


 Wordle 256 3/6*


Work was fine yesterday. Two regular weekly meetings and one impromptu one, but they were all productive enough. After work, though, things got exciting...

The plan was to go to Costco, get gas, look at the in-person store options for dashboard cameras because T. has been pricing them online (supposedly because of the crazy drivers in our area, but I also think she just enjoys watching videos like that on Tiktok or Facebook reels or whatever and imagines creating some of her own), then to pick up the kid, then swimming lessons for her. Dinner at home would be an easy frozen chicken masala dish. I thought we'd have a little time to kill between Costco and picking up the kid or picking up the kid and swimming lessons, but we could cross that bridge when we came to it.

That was the plan. In the Costco parking lot I nearly got in a car accident due to listening to T. too much. I had my eye on a parking space around the corner, she pointed out one that was a tiny bit closer, I swerved to go for it without thinking of the car behind me. Whoops. I was the crazy driver there. Also, my concern about having time to kill was based on the assumption that we were just going to walk into Costco, look at one type of thing, and walk out. Silly me. Even knowing that we didn't want to get anything perishable because we weren't going home for a couple hours, we still managed to get several non-perishable things. Then to pick up the kid. No real problems there, although I'm impressed with just how many crackers she'll eat as a snack if we let her. Then to the rec center. I did 3 miles on a treadmill in 29 minutes, 30ish seconds. Probably not my best ever but definitely my best time in the past year. I gather that the swimming lesson went well. It took longer than usual because the kid now has friends in it and it's hard to get 6-year-olds dressed communally. 

After we got home, I found out that that frozen chicken masala dish wasn't supposed to be frozen. Whoops. So it wasn't easy and took longer to make and didn't come out as well as it probably would have otherwise, but it was edible.


I've used the "musing" tag as appropriate for posts like this. I've used the "reading" tag a little and just now am going back in and adding it to a few relevant posts. I'm going to start using the "exercise" tag too, and try to add it retroactively to the relevant ones. Hopefully I'll get to the point where I get some kind of exercise daily or almost, and it'll only be needed on noteworthy days, but these days, any exercise at all is noteworthy.

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