Thursday, March 10, 2022

I need standards

 Wordle 264 4/6*


Yesterday was fine. We drove the kid to school because it was cold and rainy. Work was crazy in the same way Tuesday was, but productive enough. 

After work the kids came here, which is a problem in some sense, but does save us time, at least. For dinner T. made enchiladas and it happened to be her turn to put the kid to bed as well. It would have been a very rare amount of relaxation for me, if not for the fact that there was a sort-of school board meeting at 8:30. Still, can't complain. 

Sleeping through the night is too rare these days. Last night the kid came into bed with us (the first time in probably over a week, so, progress). T. snores and that's sometimes a problem. If the cat spends the night inside, he usually asks to go outside between 2 and 4 PM. ("Asks...") I need to do something about this but I'm not sure what.


I won't restart playing World of Warcraft until the following:

  1. I've got some feedback about the state of the gameplay in the current patch.
  2. I've caught up on my reading. That's The Good, the Bad, and the Smug, two other books that were gifts, and several graphic novels I bought myself months ago and still haven't actually opened.
  3. April 19 has come and gone, because the company is announcing the next expansion then. It's not exactly a priority to me that the next expansion must feature X character or Y location or whatever, but I want something to hope for. I haven't hated the current expansion as much as most people active online, but I'd agree it's not great. For me to quit, especially at a time when I otherwise have lots of free time, is a bad sign. 

Just putting those in writing so I don't forget about this in two weeks and resubscribe on the spur of the moment.

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