Sunday, March 27, 2022

The kid has a busy social calendar

 Wordle 281 4/6


That was crazy. In hindsight there are some common letters in it, and I made a mistake in my third guess and included a letter I already knew was wrong, but still, to have absolutely no letters in the first two...

Yesterday's breakfast was easier than usual on the weekends. I do pancakes and bacon pretty regularly on Saturdays and scrambled eggs and home fries on Sunday, but yesterday we had some coffee cake to use up, so I just friend eggs to go with it. (Then again, last week we did something similar, and we don't always have potatoes lying around. Not that regularly.)

In the morning we did some laundry and other chores around the house. The kid threw a tantrum when we asked her to help out, but we explained that growing up means helping out, and threatened her with missing the events planned for later in the day, and in the end we got some useful participation out of her. 

A little after noon, we walked a bunch of stuff over to the dry cleaners. It was only a walk either way, but we got to scout out traffic, which was horrible due to the Rock and Roll Marathon, among other events going on yesterday. Despite that, we drove to a playdate for the kid's classmates at the Field at RFK. She had fun, and we got to meet some of her classmates' parents for the first time in person, which was nice. Then, to a belated birthday part of a friend of the kid's. It was at a roller skating rink. The kid is getting good on them. I was miserably gold during all this, it was 50 degrees, cloudy, and very windy, but the kid was having fun. 

After that, a friend of the kid's came over to play for about an hour while I made dinner. Pork chops and broccoli for me, and because want to respect the kid's vegetarianism for now but I didn't think of anything else for her, a microwavable paneer tikka masala.

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