Thursday, March 31, 2022

We handled it OK

 Wordle 285 5/6


Yesterday morning as we were getting ready, our after-school care, a nanny/babysitter who watches the kid and some others, called to cancel due to emergency. This is a particularly bad day for it because the kid's school ends early on Wednesday.

The morning at work was normal enough. One meeting, productive. A few emails and discussion after it. Then T. and I went to pick up the kid. We left at the last minute. She dropped me off at a grocery store halfway home and took the kid to the Tidal Basin for kite-flying and cherry-blossom-admiring. Unfortunately, I forgot to pack the kite string. Whoops! (In my defense, for the new kite, it the kite and the string were separate. For our old one, the string lived inside the kite's bag, but that kite was blown out to sea last year. Also whoops.) I gather that they still had fun, and I know T. got a lot of good pictures. Meanwhile I went grocery shopping, then walked home and worked for another couple hours. Then I went jogging. (2.4 miles in 25 minutes. Oh well, I can't go on setting personal records indefinitely.) 

T. and the kid got back just a few minutes after I came in, sweaty. I took a shower and then took the kid, the kite, and the kite string to the park across the street. The field was occupied for a while, but we got the kite up in the air for a few minutes before we had to go. T. and I had a meeting online with the school administration and parents. It wound up being 90 minutes of meet-and-greet and discussion of principles, with nothing actually decided or announced, nor even a schedule of when we can expect things to be decided or announced. 

I made dinner, with the cooking overlapping with the end of that meeting.

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