Sunday, March 20, 2022

Light errands

 Wordle 274 4/6


Yesterday's breakfast was pancakes, as is our usual routine. Lazy Saturday morning, also like usual. 

We had plans for the kid to see a friend she hadn't seen in a while, but her friend was sick so we had to cancel. Instead we ran some errands. T. returned some shoes she bought that didn't fit, stopped by the Apple store in the Pentagon City mall for some troubleshooting, and the kid has expressed interest in roller skating so we went to get her some of those. That's not a lot of errands in raw numbers, but the kid and I basically wound up walking around the whole mall, looking for roller skates and killing time while T. was in the Apple store. (Never found roller skates there. We went to the Target in Alexandria instead.) It was interesting to see the mall. Was it really the first time we had been there in 2 years? I'm not sure. Things looked surprisingly normal there.

For some crazy reason we chose to do all this in Virginia, instead of DC. Traffic was worsened by those "people's convoy" right-wing nuts. Luckily only worsened by about 10 minutes or so in each direction. Good thing this batch is incompetent.

We got home around 5. The kid met a friend at the park. (She had to wear her new roller skates, of course, never mind that she had no idea how to use them and her friend didn't have them on... She took them off and put normal shoes on 2 minutes after getting there.) T. supervised the kid and chatted with the friend's mom while I went back home. I managed to cut myself on a piece of broken plastic in an old card holder (this sort of thing). I moved the laundry around and got started on dinner with a bandage on my thumb. Then I brought some snacks to the girls in the park. We all left together around 6. T., the kid, and I went to our neighbor's mother's birthday party to say hi. Then I got back to cooking while T. gave the kid a little more practice skating. Dinner wound up taking a while; it wasn't on the table until after 7:15. Chicken with a vermouth caper sauce, and fried eggplant. I thought the eggplant turned out really well but the kid didn't. What a surprise. (In fact, she spat it out. We probably should have been madder about that.)

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