Saturday, March 12, 2022

A good Friday is rare

 Wordle 266 5/6*


Work yesterday was fine. No new craziness. No resolution to that task I did all the detective work on, unfortunately. It can sit there until I get answers. Me and one of my two teammates chatted a lot in the Teams chat yesterday morning.  I was very talkative by my standards. It began with talking about the Brad Meltzer event, and grew into talking about former co-workers and jobs. I had two meetings, but both went well enough. The first was taking notes at the all-too-regular follow-up of that new weekly meeting. (It's basically a two-part thing. Part one scheduled for Thursday, follow-up Friday if necessary, and it has always been necessary so far. Last mentioned here.) The second was training on the new system for one of the biweekly reports. This is the one I'm less involved with, but I had a contribution to make anyway. I finished the meeting minutes before logging off for the day for the first time.

After work the weather was nice and I had a little time, so I went jogging. I've come up with a loop in the neighborhood that's 2.4 miles, and only has one really bad street to cross. I did it in 26 minutes. (Not as good as on the treadmill Thursday in terms of either distance or speed, but it's apples to oranges anyway.) Then we went to pick up the kid, then took her to gymnastics. While she was in there, T. and I went grocery shopping. More vegetables than usual, including squash and eggplant. The kid has claimed vegetarianism. I'll try to accommodate that, it's a respectable lifestyle, but she'll have to be better about eating certain vegetables. For dinner we got pizza. The kid had Hawaiian pizza. I didn't point out the contradiction.

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