Monday, March 28, 2022

I need a rest after the weekend

 Wordle 282 6/6


Ugh. One of those words. 

Yesterday we ordered bagel sandwiches from Bullfrog Bagels instead of making anything for lunch. (This is three weekend days in a row now without something fancy. Wow.)

Once again, we just hung out around the house in the morning except for walking over to get the bagels, did minor cleaning, and played with the kid. In the afternoon the kid had another friend's birthday party, at coincidentally the same place as the previous one. Today the weather was even colder. In addition to that, her roller skates were digging into her skin somehow. (Bad fit? Cheap construction? Overuse? At this point I'm going with the second option, I think I've fixed the problem with a pair of scissors, but who knows.) We were the first to leave. 

After that, we dropped her off at a friend's house for a couple hours. T. and I cleaned a little bit and relaxed. I got started on dinner around 4:30 because we were expecting company around 5. Dinner was chicken roasted with olives and tomatoes, mashed potatoes, and asparagus. Easy recipes individually and good to scale up. They turned out OK, I guess. 

Sleep Issues

I didn't mention it at the time, but the night before last, the cat asked to go out at around 2 in the morning. I kicked him out quickly. Yesterday morning I found cat pee on the dining room floor. (Still better than any rug, but worse than the tub would have been.) His litter box was pristine. Maybe he refused to use the box I bought a couple weeks ago because it came with a lid? Who knows. We removed the lid and made sure he was aware of it.

Last night he got up at a little before 5 AM. I let him out, and as a reward for waiting so late, let him eat first. I haven't seen any signs of cat pee anywhere it shouldn't be and it looks like the litter box might even have been used, although I haven't checked yet this morning. So I guess taking the lid off is what did it. (I hope.) Woo hoo.

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