Wednesday, March 09, 2022

I earned the label this time

 Wordle 263 3/6*


Woo hoo.

Yesterday morning I biked the kid to school. I wore jeans and a hoodie and it was cold enough that I wish I had worn my coat, but it was fine otherwise. 

Work was crazy. Not crazy busy by my standards - productive, but not one big task that was either urgent or important; instead a bunch of relatively small random things. Preparing for the new biweekly report formats. Working on a one-pager about where we keep documents. Planning what would be logical metrics to use for our team in the next biannual evaluation. That led into planning (brainstorming, really) how to make progress on the most out-of-date documents we're responsible for. In the afternoon I got a request from a new team that was triggered by the same sort of policy change as this "urgent" request. The two teams are very different, but the second one isn't really any better, so this bodes ill. Then there was a request to made a guide to returning from telework, also supposedly urgent. At first glance it seemed straightforward. On second thought, they didn't want something in one of our usual templates, they wanted something that could be printed out on card stock and left on peoples' desks. Who would put them on desks? Where is a printer that can handle card stock? How many should be printed out? Who would hand them out? my job didn't produce paper before going fully remote! We (to be clear, my teammate J. did most of this) gave them a Word document that should help someone else that can answer all those questions, and clarified that we can't.

After work, the kid had swim class and I went to the gym. 3 miles in 28 minutes, 40 seconds. Yes, I biked in the morning and jogged in the afternoon. Boo yah. 

Dinner was tortellini and leftovers. Easy and not bad. After that the kid finished painting a birdhouse, a project that was started this weekend.

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