Monday, August 28, 2023

A "me" day

Wordle 800 5/6


Don't want to complain about getting it in 5, but there was just a boneheaded error in my 4th...

Went jogging yesterday. Slightly different route. A wider loop, but without the zig-zagging I do to add distance. A total of 2.8 miles. 

Breakfast was scrambled eggs and pancakes.

Midmorning was stressful due to work T. was doing. She was having lots of problems getting ready for her trip, so I was cleaning and parenting plus emotional labor. But she got the important stuff done by 10:30 or so, just in time to take the kid to a Girl Scout event as scheduled, followed by going to a pool.

I wound up having almost the whole day to myself. I got my hair cut, did a little shopping, went home, prepped dinner in the slow cooker, and relaxed.

I also watched an episode of Guide to Sleep, as recommended by my therapist. So far I haven't felt like I've got much out of this series, but this episode, plus other things recently, made me think I might have insomnia. Interesting.

A friend of the kid's came over for dinner. Dinner was a chicken curry. It was small, and I probably got some details wrong, but T. and I liked it, at least.

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