Saturday, August 12, 2023

Friday with an independent kid

Wordle 784 4/6


I got to work early yesterday. If nothing else, the detailed log of my day is keeping me honest.

The kid slept until after 9. Up late reading the night before, I guess. I really planned to take her to camp, but she was really opposed, and she said she'd be good all day even after I explained I had work to do, so I relented. And she did. She stayed out of my hair without too much screen time, maybe showing me things but not asking me to join in what she was doing, for the allotted time. 

Around 3:15 I logged off work, with one document sent to a SME and another not, but it was genuinely a lot of work just getting as far as I did. I took the kid shopping. Ice cream, followed by the game store to spend my gift certificate but we wound up getting more things for her, followed by the drug store for more covid tests (they're expensive!), followed by the library, followed by the grocery store.

Dinner was a stir-fry. 

I'm not sure I was the first person to fall asleep, but I was the first one to get annoyed by others making noise.

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