Friday, August 25, 2023

First day of school and more orthodontia

Wordle 797 4/6


Yesterday we talked about biking to school and T.'s office, but it looked like rain, so we didn't. We regretted it when we saw bikers peacefully passing us in traffic. Just after dropping the kid off, the orthodontist called us back, so that was good. 

Work was OK. Lots of Warcraft, as might be expected since I didn't play the day before, but I still dealt with two weird/complicated/concerning emails and made progress on the latest SOP to be updated on the list. 

I got the kid at the official end of the school day. Despite going to this school for three years, this was actually my first time doing so. There's an extended day program we normally sign her up for but it doesn't start for two weeks, so literally everyone was trying to get their kids in 15 minutes. It was a clusterfuck.

After that, to the orthodontist, to get a little cap on the part of the expander that's poking her. Then shopping for lots of soft foods. 

When I got home I put in a little more work. 

Dinner was spaghetti and grilled squash.

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