Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Hard to get a handle on the day

Wordle 794 4/6


Yesterday I started out on my computer - a little work, but also the various journals and Reddit commenting. I was due to go jogging but was a tiny bit worried about several things, so I made it very short, just 1.8 miles. Anything is better than nothing.

The day "felt off", to put it in two words. Several little annoyances.

  • I had had physical therapy scheduled for that afternoon but had to cancel it at the end of last week due to an All Hands meeting that would be unusually relevant to me, but yesterday morning I found out that the All Hands content would change, so I tried to get my PT appointment back, but it was too late. There's nothing on the calendar with them now and no time over the next two weeks seems good. 
  • My therapist had recommended a few others due to my scheduling issues. I looked into them, and scheduling issues aside, insurance was a mess. Her own company's Web site told me a therapist would take my insurance in one place and not take it in another place. In the end I emailed her about our upcoming appointment and she said we could keep it, which was a relief.
  • I emailed an engineer working on renovation plans about billing confusion. No answer so far  and the problem might be entirely on their end, but just thinking about it enough to write a clear email was annoying.
  • Warcraft: I think I need some kind of simple rule to scale back. Only two days a week, not counting weekend mornings, or something like that. These days I'm working on incremental gains on my Mythic+ score, just to see how high I can go since I've already achieved basically everything I've cared about in the past, I've just finished my last Mage Tower challenge, and I'm working on profession stuff - not particularly for gold so much as the completionism of maxing them out. But even though there's nothing particular going on I'm playing a lot anyway. Not a good use of my time and not even a lot of fun. 

That's personal stuff. Work was OK. Got two different documents sent to the SMEs. Not as good as finishing them but it's progress. 

I had the house to myself for most of the day. T. took the kid to get mani-pedis and go clothes shopping. It was some end-of-summer mother-daughter time, made even more important by T.'s quarantine.

Late in the afternoon I went for a walk just to stretch my legs, since the jog was so short. 

Dinner was easy: tortellini and a salad.

T. put the kid to bed, watched one episode of Nancy Drew with me, and went to bed earlyish herself, around 9:15. As if to prove that tentative resolution of mine above was needed, I wound up playing WoW until 11. I was on my evoker in a pickup group raid. I had done everything else that possibly mattered for this week, but nothing competitive on my evoker, so I might as well take one shot at the legendary, right? Well, I got rejected from one group after another on Heroic, or got invited but they failed badly. So I joined a normal group since there's still a boss or two I need there. I wound up clearing almost the whole raid with them, but they slowed down as they got near the end, and after wiping on the last boss, the one that actually drops the legendary, I had to call it a night. Ugh. Not technically a waste (filled three Great Vault slots and got one upgrade) but it felt that way as I crawled into bed.

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