Friday, August 18, 2023

Productivity isn't fun

Wordle 790 5/6


Went jogging first thing yesterday morning, the 3-mile route. Wasn't sure about it because I'd also have to get the kid to camp, but I felt like I needed the exercise. Maybe I shouldn't have, or maybe I should have worked harder in the morning to make up for wasting the time on that, because I forgot to make the kid's lunch until the last minute. Whoops.

Drove her to camp instead of biking because she had done something fancy with her hair and didn't want the helmet. Well, good thing I already got my exercise!

I was OK at work. Got one document to the SME and made noticeable progress on another. Based on the time I spent playing Warcraft as tracked in that exhaustive spreadsheet, I feel kind of bad I wasn't more productive. On the other hand, the document I'm working on is just so mind-numbing it makes me feel better. It's 27 pages and I'm just making formatting changes and having problems with Track Changes. This is not the fun part of my job.

The kid was picked up after camp by the mother of a friend, and they have a pool at their condo, so the kid got to swim after camp. I joined them around 6 at District Taco for dinner. That was nice.

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