Sunday, August 27, 2023

School playdate, dinner guest

Wordle 799 5/6


Yesterday was the usual weekend morning to start, with Warcraft for me and TV for the kid. Breakfast was simple, both because we had plans soon and because the kid is still having problems eating. There was a school playdate we agreed to help out with and left the house in a hurry with arguments about what the kid should wear.

The playdate itself was fun. Kids running rampant in a park, there were fountains for if they wanted to cool down, etc. I chatted with some people I knew and some people I didn't.

After that, relatively quiet afternoon. We cleaned around the house with the kid's help, did laundry, and got ready for our friend C. to come over for dinner. T. made enchiladas. The kid ate relatively well despite the expander.

Forgot to expand it before bed last night. Whoops.

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