Saturday, August 19, 2023

Busy Friday

Wordle 791 5/6


Weird word today.

Yesterday the kid begged not to go to camp and I gave in. So I worked while she hung out around the house. It wasn't too bad. 

First thing in the morning I finished that mind-numbing task. Persistence aside, it was nice to tick up the numbers for the biweekly report. The report went better than usual. People got stuff in, not on time, but closer than usual. The kid wasn't too much trouble. 

On the personal front, I vacuumed the downstairs - it was overdue - and tried out the new weed whacker in the back alley. Good for me.

Around 2:30 I logged off and went for a bike ride with the kid to a park near the camp. (We've been there before, but not often.) It wasn't as unpleasant as I expected. I hate playing alligator and there was none of that, just climbing and playing with other kids there a tiny bit. On the way home, cookies at a deli. 

Dinner was a risotto. Haven't done that in a while. It was nice for variety, and came out well, despite simply using onion, a pepper, and carrots.

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