Monday, November 07, 2022

Getting sicker

Wordle 506 3/6


Yesterday I skipped home fries for breakfast, because we had had mashed potatoes the night before and wanted to keep things simple, so we just had scrambled eggs and toast. Easy enough.

I wasn't feeling well, so I planned to take it easy. In the mid/late morning we went to Costco. After that we took the kid to a playground she hadn't been to for a while. Then dropped her off at a friend's house and they spent basically the whole afternoon together - the playdate ended when the friend's lacrosse game started, but the kid asked to join her, and her friend's mother didn't mind and it was OK with us. Meanwhile T. and I watched movies. Relaxing, right? 

Dinner was a beef and broccoli stir-fry. I like the recipe but it could have been better; we were missing a couple of ingredients.

Either I didn't do a good enough job of taking it easy, or I did and am just really sick, because I was beat by the end of the day. In bed by 8:30, which is early even taking daylight savings time into account. I got up at 2 AM because I couldn't breathe through my nose, took some appropriate drugs, and tried to get back to sleep.

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