Sunday, November 27, 2022

Lots of questions

Wordle 526 4/6


Breakfast yesterday was simple: eggs, toast, and the leftover pancakes. The original plan for the day was Christmas decoration, but T. was feeling a little under the weather, so getting the kid out of the house became a higher priority. 

I made the kid go to the farmer's market with me. While there I noticed my credit card was missing. A little detective work later and I figured out I had left it at the takeout place the day before. Shit! At some point I still need to call my credit card company and see if anyone had used it. So anyways, the kid and I went to get it.

After that she had a playdate planned with a friend. There was a little downtime in between in which the kid entertained herself and T. and I cleaned and did laundry. Her friend came over and they played here for only a few minutes before the parent of another girl, H., texted and suggested we meet up in the park, so we went to the park. They had fun for a while before H. invited the kid and her friend to her house. I walked her there and then went back home to help with the decorating. 

Dinner was baked potatoes and steak with a teriyaki sauce. Fancy-sounding but not really. 

As I put the kid to bed, she got snotty and rude, more than the usual bedtime resistance. When I convinced her that as punishment I wouldn't read to her, she broke down crying. She was jealous or insecure (my words, not hers) about how her friends are older than her and growing up faster and know about all kinds of things she doesn't. Examples given: Sailor Moon, puberty, Zelda, and Mean Girls. Growing up is hard, huh? So I viewed this talk as adequate apology/explanation for her moodiness and read her a book about where babies come from.

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