Thursday, November 03, 2022


Wordle 502 2/6


Woo hoo.

Yesterday the kid was still feeling a bit under the weather, but didn't seem too bad and we can't keep her home forever, so we drove her to school instead of biking to stay warmer. Traffic was bad but we made good time. 

Work was fine. Not too busy. Made progress on one SOP and got ready for an upcoming presentation. 

Around 1 the school nurse called us. The kid was complaining about ear pain. So I biked over there, gave her medicine, gave her the choice about going home or not, and she opted to go home. She snacked and talked about math with us for a bit. Around 3 we asked her to entertain herself quietly because T. had a meeting, and I used the time to get a few more things done too. She wasn't horrible about it, but she wasn't as great as Monday or Tuesday either...

At 4 I logged off and took her to the park, and not the one across the street, so it was a bit of a walk. Good for both of us. (My exercise is pretty pathetic these days. Unfortunately I forgot to track both the bike trip and this walk on the app. If there's no record of exercise, does it really improve fitness?) At around 5, T. met us there and drove us to the kid's guitar lesson. There was spare time, and the guitar class is near her school, so she got to play with friends there anyway. There was a substitute music teacher because the usual teacher was sick but it seemed to go well anyway. 

Dinner was tortellini and brussels sprouts. Not my finest work but it was easy and fast. While T. put the kid to bed, I did a little thinking and organizing what we have for the home renovation plans. 

I got up around 3 AM this morning and couldn't get back to sleep. Not in bed with the snoring, not downstairs on the couch. It's annoying, obviously tiring, and a little concerning.

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