Saturday, November 19, 2022

I'd feel like an asshole complaining about this

Wordle 518 4/6


The day before yesterday, we had planned to make cinnamon rolls for a teacher appreciation event yesterday, but forgot. Yesterday T. got up just a few minutes after me and made them. I had thought about doing so but didn't get around to it before she did. 

That teacher appreciation event went well enough, but I scraped my finger opening a package of donuts. 

When we got home, the cleaner was there. T. had put off scheduling her at my request because earlier wouldn't have worked well. So yesterday we were working around that, and everything is now just a little bit out of place. 

Work wasn't as busy if it were a Friday of a biweekly report. But I got reminded to send a reminder about a SOP I was waiting for approval of and didn't want to leave that waiting any more. And that technical thing with a time limit was more annoying; I had to enter a long URL into a link field manually through a cumbersome process. 

At the last minute before getting the kid, I felt I was overdue for a shower and took one. That wasn't why we were late getting her to gymnastics class, though. While she was in there, T. and I ran a few errands.

We had pizza for dinner. The kid's friend from across the street joined us. The girls had fun but were not very civilized dinner companions. (I.e. a lot of "poop".) T. and I were at our wit's end by the time we brought her home. As we did, some neighbors were having a screaming fight. They've done that before at midnight. Doing it at 8 PM is annoying in a different way.

So as the title implies, I was grumpy all day, but couldn't really complain because it was all either objectively good but inconvenient stuff, or even worse for someone else than for me.

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