Friday, November 18, 2022

Leveling alts

Wordle 517 4/6


Hard word. Good for me.

Yesterday I biked the kid to school. It felt good to be back in the saddle and doing something physical, even if the kid is getting big for it and it was almost freezing outside. 

Work wasn't too busy, other than one meeting in the morning. Worked on that technical thing with a time limit due to the license and fielded some random questions. 

In World of Warcraft I've been spending a lot of my time on new alts (the new class, and also some completely random characters just to take advantage of recent increases in leveling speed) and the pre-patch event for the upcoming expansion.

Once or twice in the past few days/weeks, we picked the kid up from after-school care about half an hour earlier than the last minute, and she was mad at us because we took her away from playing with her friends, so we made a point of getting her later yesterday. We picked her up 5 minutes earlier than the last minute, and she was mad at us because all her friends had already left. She wasn't the very last kid there, but she wasn't having any fun. So maybe she's just going through a grumpy phase...

Dinner was an improvised chicken teriyaki stir-fry. The kid liked it more than I expected. Personally I could have used more spice. But it was easy, which is always nice. During and after that we listened in on a school board meeting just to stay aware of what's going on.

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