Wednesday, November 09, 2022

Not much to say about a sick day

Wordle 508 3/6


Shortly after posting the last post, I went to bed again for about an hour. I had a meeting scheduled for 10. I had technical difficulties getting into it for some reason, but before I figured it out, I was told that the meeting was over. That was easy. 

T. had a meeting scheduled for 11, and the kid was kind of antsy, so I got dressed and took her to the park. She was kind of cranky there, and didn't appreciate me reminding her that she was sick and therefore she should not push herself too hard and stay away from other kids, but in the end we didn't have big problems.

Around 1 I lay down in bed a bit and encouraged the kid to do the same. Shortly after that, T. went shopping. Shortly after that, the kid told me that she was going to go downstairs and play some games. I checked on her soon, worried that I'd find her watching TV. But no, she was doing some puzzles. Good for her. I joined in and helped. 

I made dinner a little earlier than usual, let's say 5:30. After that I got the kid ready for bed. This is early, but it was T.'s turn to read to her and T. had a school meeting from 7 to 8, and starting to get ready for bed after 8 would have been very late. 

At around 6:30 I said good night to both of them. I took medication and was supine, with various interruptions for more medication, snoring, etc., for most of the following 11 hours.

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