Thursday, November 10, 2022

Still sick

Wordle 509 3/6


Drove the kid to school yesterday. 

Officially I worked a full day. One part of that involved finalizing a document just because I happened to get approval because the person I needed it from was back from their vacation, so there was even a task closed out and a new file added to the library, which is normally the main measure of productivity for me. But even so, I tried to relax and mostly succeeded. Still far from cured. 

The kid's school day was shorter than usual due to a dentist's appointment. Afterwards we went across the street to run some quick errands. Then home for some downtime. Then out again for the guitar lesson. It went well enough.

Dinner was spaghetti and salad. Easy enough. I put the kid to bed and went to bed myself right after. I got up several times for coughing fits and therefore medication. I threw out some that was expired and I think had lost its potency.

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