Thursday, October 12, 2023

A wasted day

Wordle 845 3/6


A few things happened yesterday that weren't terrible, which I'll cover in turn, but on the whole it was a waste of a day. 

I got the kid to school fine. And given that I was unproductive at work, I picked a relatively good day for it, with no imminent deadlines. Lucky me. Although there are several that are just a little bit past imminent...

I spent a lot of my time playing Warcraft, of course. I achieved nothing notable. I was in a raid but the boss wasn't going down. I'd blame the luck of having a bad group, but for a good chunk of that time, the leader was me. I'm the problem.

T. was planning to see an author after dinner with our friend C., and around 4 T. called me to let me know C. would be joining us for dinner. This didn't mean more cooking - T. said she'd get a salad - but it did mean more cleaning. I did that when I might have been prepping dinner and left to get the kid around 5.

I had planned to pick the kid up early and give her a bike lesson in the afternoon, but I got her too late for that, considering I'd still have to make dinner. I got home and found that I didn't have to make dinner after all, because T. thought she wouldn't have time and was eating leftovers. Ugh. Bad planning, mostly on my part since I'm the chef. 

Considering that I'd no longer have to (be able to) cook, I seized the moment and got the kid on her bike. There was a lot of protesting, but in the end she did it. We got about a 20-minute session in. It was just on our sidewalk, not the best setting, but anything is better than nothing, right?

I ordered pizza for dinner for just the kid and I, with BBQ wings on the side. Not particularly healthy, but easy and popular. 

While the kid watched YouTube videos before bed, I wrote up my long to-do list for today. Trying to minimize procrastination for a while.

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