Friday, October 27, 2023

Textbook ADHD

Wordle 860 4/6


Yesterday I spent over 2 hours working on Warcraft mounts. I don't mean trying to get them, or anything else in the game. I mean writing up a guide to them, counting how many can be called "easy" to get, how many are pure RNG, etc. It's a downright crazy use of my time. Pointless for me and probably for literally everyone else. I don't want to be too hard on myself or complain too much of a basically average day (got through the essentials at work, etc.), but it's striking how much I can focus on pointless shit by accident. 

In the evening, I got the kid a little earlier than usual and met T. and some friends at a Halloween event at a nearby park. Dinner was hot dogs from there. We got home at a reasonable hour, watched a little TV together, and got to bed earlyish.

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