Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Better than nothing

Wordle 837 5/6


Unproductive on several fronts yesterday. I played a lot of Warcraft and got a lot of little things done but no big things. That's not totally my fault - I got invited to a group for something I wanted but the group failed to kill the boss before them - but still seems like a bad sign about my approach to the game at the moment. When playing solo I spent a lot of time in town whispering people about crafting stuff with low rates of response. Seems like it should make money but it turned out not to. 

Work was frustrating and unproductive too. Part of the problem is that even things that seem like they should be simple, aren't. Like all the "reapprovals without changes" from team leads recently that result in an interminable task anyway because they didn't care that the document was missing the usual sections but we do. Or a document for my own team lead. I'd expect something with/for her to be easy, but it just has different problems than usual. I don't want to complain about wordsmithing, in some sense it's my job, but after years of working with troglodytic script jockeys, my standards have been lowered, and now I'm being expected to polish something rigorous. This is the main thing I worked on yesterday and it's not fun.

I figured I had to do something productive or edifying yesterday, so I got a workout: about 20 minutes of calisthenics in front of the TV around noon. Better than nothing, right?

As is the routine for Tuesdays these days, I drove to the school to get the kid to her guitar lesson and T. walked home and made dinner. After dinner T. went to her exercise class, and the kid got a minor playdate with her friend across the street while I cleaned the kitchen and looked into some scheduling issues.

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