Thursday, October 19, 2023

Good on all fronts?

Wordle 852 4/6


I've started writing this in the morning Wednesday, so I worry the title is tempting fate. But then again, maybe it'll serve as incentive for me to live up to it...

First thing this morning I followed up on two things at work before posting this. Good for me. I had a therapy appointment at 9 and wanted to shower first, so I got the kid to school more promptly than usual. 

The therapy appointment went well. This might be wrapping up. Not sure. 

At work I got that major-in-some-ways-but-not-others task done, and another one like it. Good for me. 

In my free time I played Warcraft, of course. Maybe more than I should in a sense, but it was in fun ways rather than beating my head against the wall, and I still got the important stuff done at work. "Fun" - I spent a lot of the day doing catch-up stuff and cosmetic collection on several undergeared max level characters. Mostly the druid that was my main for years until I got bored with it, the next patch has druid stuff that looks interesting, but also some other characters. Not competitive or time-limited content, but it's still fun putting together the class set, especially since it's a bunch of upgrades, and generally collecting stuff.

Two errands on foot in the afternoon. First to 7/11 because it's the closest in-network ATM and I'm out of cash. Then to the pharmacy to get drugs that weren't ready yesterday. Then I drove to the school to pick up the kid and T. I had the kid's bike with me so I could take her for a biking practice session afterwards. I wasn't sure I'd have time, I wished I had started earlier, but it worked out. I dropped T. off near the house and kept going to the Fields park at RFK. The kid biked for about 20 minutes or so. She's definitely making progress. Needs to work on starting and stopping but could go the length of a block. Awesome. 

Dinner was pork chops and green beans, made more quickly than usual because the kid and I were home late after all that.

Is this what being on top of things feels like? "I want to do X. But wait, no, I should do Y first, because I really should do it before Z, which is coming up soon." It sounds a little like structured procrastination, but not too much, and I'm not sure how useful that concept is anyway. I could complain about putting things off until the last minute and not getting even more done, or the little things that went wrong (dog poop on the bike tire, for example), but on the whole it was a good day.

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