Saturday, October 28, 2023

Nominally sick kid

Wordle 861 4/6


Yesterday the kid was home sick. Nothing serious, just a runny nose and sore throat, but we didn't want to send her to school like that. So she stayed home while I worked. It went well enough. I got the bare minimum done at work (the biweekly report) and on personal projects (looked for information from my old ADHD diagnosis for the new therapist, but then I couldn't find the address to send it to!) and I don't feel bad about that, considering she was there. 

Around 3:30 I logged off work and took her to the park for biking practice. It went well. 

While I made dinner, T. took the kid to a neighborhood Halloween event. It went well too. Dinner was spaghetti and cauliflower.

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