Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Boring Monday

Wordle 850 2/6


Woo hoo.

Yesterday morning getting the kid to school took longer than usual because I made a detour to return some stuff the kid's friend had left at our place. Unfortunately, they weren't there. Should have planned that better. 

The big personal/home project was, in a rush between a meeting and T. leaving for an appointment, putting the air conditioners in the basement. Fall is here. This semiannual chore is dirty, heavy lifting, and once again facing up to the mess in the basement. I'm looking forward to the fact that renovation will reduce or eliminate this.

Work was typical. Not too busy. Listened in on one meeting, worked on some minor stuff. Also one major-in-some-ways-but-not-others task: urgent and nonstandard, but not big in terms of total pages needed, so I'm not too worried. 

Procrastination took an unusual form: digital sleuthing. (Investigation? Stalking?) Some random reading of askamanager.com reminded me of a high school friend, and unlike the past few times I tried to track her down, I succeeded. Nothing came of it and it's not too impressive how I did so, but still, that was an interesting trip down memory lane.

I didn't play much Warcraft yesterday. Partly because of the aforementioned vagary, partly because it's less fun these days. Competitive content in particular is miserable, at least the way I'm doing it: pushing keys on my warrior main and trying kill just the last boss of the raid on my evoker for a chance at the legendary, both in pickup groups. I'm bored of the season, bored of my mains, hitting the limits of my skill and PUGs, or a combination. (Judging by how I spent this morning, I still enjoy other aspects of the game, though.)

Anyways, getting the kid was fine. T. got her through guitar practice and took her to the park while I made dinner last night.

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