Friday, October 20, 2023

Haircuts across town

Wordle 853 3/6


OK day overall yesterday. 3 meetings (more than typical, but anyways), all before noon, all easy and productive enough. Lots of Warcraft in my downtime, of course. I did all the housework - folding laundry, cleaning kitchen, unloading dishes, ordering new checks - late, but got to it eventually.

Traffic was terrible when I got the kid. 38 minutes to go 1.3 miles. I should bike in the afternoon more often, but I wouldn't have today anyways because of evening plans. She got to play with her friends there for a few minutes before I took her to Alexandria to join T. for haircuts. (Her friends' mother said we were crazy to do this.)

I was tired before I even left to get the kid, and running around like this didn't help. Getting there wasn't as bad as getting to school, but it was still 40 minutes or so one way. The mutual haircuts were done by around 7:40. We had thought about dinner at a place in Arlington we have a gift certificate too, but at that hour we settled for pizza in the same office park as the stylist. Home by 9.


"Procrastination" is such a general topic that complaining about it is pointless. My biggest regret about yesterday is the lack of exercise. (And junk food. I had a lot of it. Maybe the fatigue was a sugar crash?) As it got to be 4 and I took stock of what I still wanted to do, I realized I wouldn't have time for everything, and exercise wouldn't make the cut. Not good, especially how little I've been getting lately. I got my "quota" for most of the past few days just by walking around on various errands, but didn't get there yesterday, and even when I do, the quota imposed by my app, 6,000 paces, is not too strenuous to begin with. 

I'd like to jog again but want the plantar fasciitis to get better first. I originally stopped going to physical therapy because of scheduling conflicts during a few busy weeks, but didn't resume because I'm not sure how much it was helping. I've planned to make a podiatrist appointment since my doctor's appointment, but that's another thing I haven't got around to. Maybe tomorrow, but if not, I'll really try for Monday...

But foot issues aside, I could/should be better about other kinds of exercise too. Something as simple as calisthenics in front of the TV is better than nothing if I get around to it.

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