Sunday, October 01, 2023

Camping semi-solo

Wordle 834 5/6


Yesterday we left a little after 8:30 to go camping. It doesn't sound that early, but felt that way when I got up and had to deal with all the prep we hadn't done yet. The kid hadn't packed before bed the night before, the camping gear in the basement was still there and I nearly forgot it (yes, that includes the tent!), and I had to get a few other things together too. 

I was nervous on the way there. Not sure how much of it was generalize free-floating anxiety and how much of it was the practical facts of the busy morning plus the fact that it was a new campsite, without T. But I drove there without major problems. Once I got the kid with her den, things were fine. I finished pitching the tent with minor help from neighbors and rejoined the group before lunch. My actual responsibilities were limited to keeping the kids out of trouble as they went through the scheduled activities.

There was an adult gathering in the evening which I skipped. Thought about it but decided I was too tired. I didn't sleep well probably mostly because I had pitched the tent on a platform which was harder than I'm used to.

The morning was relatively uneventful. Stopped at the camp store and got her a knife, since whittling is on the agenda for the den this year, and an impulse buy of a bear print necklace. Got home a little after noon and had lunch after unpacking.

Stuff we forgot

A broom and bugspray. That's really it. Good for me. I would have also brought the kid's chair if I could have found it and sunscreen, but neither would have been used. I also wished we had had more rope, fastening the tent to the platform would have been easier with more/better rope, but that's not a matter of forgetting anything.

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