Friday, December 15, 2023

Busy morning

Wordle 909 5/6


Drove the kid to school yesterday, without T. 

Yesterday morning was extremely busy. Two hours of meetings, both of which required participation during and follow-ups after, plus several unrelated tasks. My resolution to exercise before noon failed on day two, at least by the letter of it, because I didn't find the time for it until 12:50 PM. I got out this sort of rowing machine and used it, plus some calisthenics. Good for me.

The afternoon was more relaxing. Played WoW, of course. Worked on a few things but no new tasks came in. In addition to the actual job I vacuumed and brought some donations to the local school. I meant to go to Costco but had trouble.

Getting the kid took literally an hour. Traffic was terrible on almost every block. I can admit that biking in the winter is unpleasant, and we never were in the habit of biking home from school to begin with, but this is ridiculous. 

Dinner was a coleslaw - took longer than planned, but I had stuff to use up - and tilapia with a wine and onion sauce. The fish was a hit. The kid had leftover cauliflower instead of the coleslaw.

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