Saturday, December 23, 2023

Long day in every sense

Wordle 917 3/6


Yesterday the kid didn't have school, but T. and I didn't need/want to take the day off work, so we just worked with her around. She got to watch a lot of TV. We managed, me probably better than T. Good thing the biweekly report was done the day before. We also did all the last-minute packing and prep, of course. We left less in the fridge to spoil than I expected. In the afternoon, the kid and I biked to a library to return some DVDs. 

Leaving the house, we forgot a canvas bag full of snacks and water bottles, and given that it was destined for my backpack, I'll take most of the blame for that. In line for the security check, I realized that my boarding pass didn't have a telltale precheck check mark on it, so I had to run back to get a new one. I'm not sure if the mistake was when I checked in the day before yesterday or months ago when the ticket was bought, and I guess it could be T.'s fault, but I should have noticed it the day before yesterday. Fortunately I caught up to them in only about 10 minutes. Dinner was Cava bowls waiting to board. But in line to get on the plane, I asked T. to get something out of the backpack on my back, and somehow in the process the kid's leftovers spilled.

Oh well. At least we got there OK.

Snacks at In 'N Out near the airport, as usual. Arrived at T.'s parents around 11 PM. Ouch.

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