Friday, December 22, 2023

It felt like the end of the week but it wasn't

Wordle 916 3/6


Yesterday I drove T. and the kid to school. T. had a cough and sore throat but didn't want to take a day off right before a vacation. 

Work was busy yesterday. The biweekly report was moved up a day to deal with people leaving early on vacation. My regular Thursday morning meeting wasn't moved, though, so I tried to work on both at once. After the intense stuff I worked on a writing project. I played a little Warcraft, but not much. I also did some prep for the trip. 3 loads of laundry and most of my packing.

In the afternoon I went for a walk to get my steps in and a high-energy snack. T. got off work a little early, so she walked home and I drove to get the kid alone.

Dinner was macaroni and cheese and Brussels sprouts. It took a long time to make, I should have done something faster or done a lot of the work before getting the kid, but it tasted good and allowed us to use up some things that would expire, so can't complain.

We're traveling today, so we did most of the Christmas stuff at home last night.

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