Friday, December 01, 2023

Stressful even without the lice

Wordle 895 5/6


Just before taking the kid to school yesterday, T. noticed lice in her hair. We combed her extra thoroughly rather than have everyone be late for something. I drove both of them to school/work due partly to the cold and partly because just the extra combing took time, but of course, getting T. ready to leave on time also was a hassle. 

My regular weekly Thursday morning meeting went better than usual. After that, a little downtime, which I filled not with the game but with a writing project. There's some value in variety, I guess, but I can't honestly call it productivity. After that I got a lot of little things done (or started, or organized, or whatever) at work, stripped the kid's bed and sorted her stuffed animals into "safe" and "unsafe" piles. (Guidance about lice is confusing, by the way!) Around 4 I went for a walk. Maybe it should have been a chance to clear my head, and I did organize my thoughts in that I added some things to my to-do list, but it didn't have any de-stressing effect.

I drove to get the ladies. Traffic was bad. It was relaxing watching the kid play with friends, I guess. When we got home, she was furious that she couldn't sleep with all her stuffed animals. There were actual tears and clinging to the biggest of them. 

While I made dinner, the kid had a lice treatment. We also had a freak-out because some calendars we ordered as a Christmas present were missing pictures for the month of December. Dinner was tortellini and cucumber salad, the kid's favorite, which she'd probably say doesn't come close to making up for all the indignity but I think it probably helped. We got her to bed later than usual because even making her bed was a hassle.

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