Friday, December 08, 2023


Wordle 902 5/6


Yesterday I woke up with eye irritation, but couldn't find anything in it. I drove the kid and T. to work and school, a few minutes late due to both traffic and leaving at the last minute, and suffered through my 9 AM meeting with improvised eye compresses. I did some research and Dr. Google says the eye problem is a stye. After finishing the meeting and the notes and doing some other stuff around the house, I walked to the drugstore. I was going there anyway for plantar-fasciitis-related drugs and looked for eye-related stuff. Hot compresses seemed to help.

In the afternoon I played some Warcraft and finished my draft of a deliverable I'm basically in charge of. Productivity may not be as high as the previous few days, due in part to the eye pain, but I still feel it's better than average for a month or a year ago. 

I drove to the school around 5. In addition to T. and the kid, I also picked up a friend of the kid. We weren't going home; we went to Zoo Lights, the zoo's Christmas event. T. took over driving at the school because I was seeing double a little bit. We were meeting several friends there and getting the whole gang together turned out to be complicated. It was OK. It was nice catching up with our friends, and the kid enjoyed hanging out with her friends at the zoo. But the kids and the grownups were interested in different things, people wanted to go at different paces, it wasn't the coldest Zoo Light ever but it was still after dark in December, and it was late. We got home around 9:30, past the kid's bedtime.

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