Sunday, December 03, 2023

Not as relaxing as it sounds

Wordle 897 3/6


As usual, pancakes and bacon yesterday morning.

Shortly after that, walked to the farmer's market for some essentials. Then T., the kid and I walked to Union Market to meet a friend for lunch and general chatting. After we said our goodbyes, we went to get a wreath, as Scout fundraiser and general decoration.

The main events of the afternoon were the kid's guitar practice, laundry, and Avengers: Infinity War. (The kid is seeing the MCU totally out of order. She saw The Marvels, then wanted to see WandaVision, then wanted to see Age of Ultron, and now this.) In between T. and I had time for a minor breakdown. I'd say holiday stress but a lot of it isn't seasonal. I'd say parenting stress but a lot of it isn't the kid's fault...

Dinner was a bit early, salmon and cauliflower, because we went to a concert. The main act was the kid's guitar teacher. It was a good show, but the kid was more interested in games on our phones than the act.

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