Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Working with the kid

Wordle 913 4/6


Yesterday the kid felt sick, so we kept her home. She had been sniffly all day Sunday, and the last time I brought her to school when she wasn't feeling well I regretted it, so we called her in (emailed, whatever) sick from school. It was T.'s work from home day too, so there were several segments when we were all sitting around the dining room table.

Work was OK. I had a couple meetings, but everyone managed to be quiet during them. The kid is old enough by now and well-behaved enough that she doesn't need constant supervision. The only thing taking care of the kid impacted was my Warcraft time - good for me for putting the game last. Damning with faint praise, of course. Around noon I walked to the post office to try to mail a couple packages, but I had a meeting at 1 and the line was so long and slow that I had to leave with the packages. The kid came with me by bike; that was her exercise and fresh air for the day.

In the afternoon I walked back to the post office, successfully this time. Dinner was Chinese food, brought by our friend C. She and T. went to a Madonna concert that evening, leaving me with the kid. We finished watching Iron Man 2 together and had a basically normal evening. Although last night was the first time in a long time she asked me to read a book other than Harry Potter, which is nice for a change.

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