Thursday, December 29, 2022

A great day until the end

Wordle 558 4/6


Yesterday started out as a normal-by-California-standards work day. While T. and I worked, the kid played in the house or watched TV until 11, when she had a playdate with a friend. I had a meeting at 11 as well (no problem with the overlap with the grandparents in charge of the kid). Before that I set up that new headset to use it. The process was surprisingly smooth. Technology these days...

We also got a little laundry done in the morning and early afternoon. Around 2:30, T. and I logged off work and went to a wine tasting. We haven't been to this winery in a long time (maybe never in my case, not sure), but we can get its wine in DC, so it's nice to know about it. Then we drove to Lodi. Making small talk on the road happened to dwell on T.'s classmates or general school people who had died in car accidents. We browsed a used bookstore and got a few things, mostly for the kid. Then to dinner at a brewery. I had a doppelbock, T. had a Christmas ale, but she didn't like it much so she asked me to finish it. Can't complain. :)

We also went shopping at a couple more used clothing stores. Aside from general browsing, T. is looking for stuff for a new job. 

And then, on the way back to her parent's place, we hit someone's pet in the road. Not "nearly hit"; it's definitely dead. That was or will be traumatizing for a lot of people. (Also, the small talk was all too on the nose.)

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