Monday, December 26, 2022


Wordle 555 X/6


I hate this game. And I just learned that my dad started playing too...

Yesterday I got up a little after 6, as usual, and T. a little after 7. We were surprised to find the house quiet until 8; I expected the kid to get up earlier, because she went to bed early the night before and because she was excited about Christmas, but apparently she needed her sleep, and T.'s parents let her.

Christmas went well. Most of the presents were for the kid. Most of the presents were from or within T.'s side of the family. My family is less generous, at least in this sense. Among the presents T. got for me was a new headset. She had bought it when she went shopping for me later that day. This is an example of the sort of thing that gives me feelings of inadequacy when shopping for presents.

One of the kid's presents was a science kit, and we did several experiments from it together. It was fun. It was a pleasant surprise; the last time we did something like that, I basically had to do it all and give her the finished product, but here she was eager to do every bit she could. Maybe she's aged into it? Maybe school activities have trained her for this sort of thing?

Dinner was lamb. How traditional.

The evening was a little stressful. T. tried to set up a Roku, one of her parents' presents, and it didn't go well, and tried to make reservations for a wine tasting later this week but got the wrong day. But still, overall, fun.

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