Sunday, December 04, 2022

Personally productive too

Wordle 533 5/6


Yesterday we had the usual Saturday brunch, pancakes and bacon, but it was a little more rushed than usual because we had a busy day ahead of us. T. had a hair stylist appointment in the morning, and we met a distant relative to exchange Christmas presents at the same time. Then we went to the Kennedy Center for The Day You Begin, a kid-oriented musical, and had a quick lunch at one of their cafes first. 

After the show, we had thought about a playdate for the kid but it didn't work out, so we made a detour by Pennsylvania Ave. SE for several errands for me: picking up my new glasses, picking up some DVDs the library was holding for me, and getting a new Metro card, since I somehow lost my old one. On the way home, some spontaneous grocery shopping.

Then, home, for some rushed cleaning and a yelling match with the kid because we were too busy to help her find something she was looking for. Then company for dinner. It was fun. 

Bedtime for the kid was hard. We have to do something about this... after that, T. and I wrapped most of the Christmas presents. Glad that's mostly done with, I guess.

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